Posts Tagged ‘children’
Stop Trafficking August 2023
The relationship between pornography and human trafficking is the theme of the August 2023 issue of Stop Trafficking! Pornography is more accessible in the digital age. The porn industry and sex trafficking are not separate issues. They are inseparably linked. Articles in the latest issue of Stop Trafficking! include: Download the Ausgust edition of Stop…
Read MoreStop Trafficking July 2022
The July 2022 edition of Stop Trafficking! highlights the exploitation of children as soldiers in conflict. Between 2005 and 2020 more than 93,000 children were confirmed as recruited and used by parties for conflict, with children accounting for up to 60% of armed forces. The actual number of cases is probably much higher. Articles in…
Read MoreMarch Awareness Raising
International Women’s Day is celebrate each year on 8th March. The 2021 theme is Choose to Challenge. A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let’s all choose to challenge by celebrating women’s achievement, raising awareness against bias and taking action for equality. The March page of the ACRATH 2021 Calendar…
Read MoreUNODC Global Report
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2020 is now available. The report presents a global picture of the patterns and flows of trafficking as well as detailed regional analyses and country profiles. Covering 148 countries the report is based primarily on trafficking cases detected between 2016…
Read MoreStamping out Exploitation in Travel
A study benchmarking the travel industry’s progress in fighting human trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children by ECPAT-USA. This study establishes a baseline to assess how 70 companies in eight travel industry sectors address and report on the protection of children from commercial sexual exploitation in their business practices. While it is evident that the travel…
Read MoreStop Trafficking!
Anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter Vol 16 No 5 The May 2018 issue of Stop Trafficking! highlights how vulnerability among children leads to exploitation and sex trafficking. Articles include Girls – Parental Hurt, Boys – Silent Victims, Unidentified Children Online, Educating Children about Trafficking and Marriott Hotels Train Staff. Download your copy of Stop Trafficking! here.
Read MoreStop Trafficking
Anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter Vol 15 No 11 The December issue of Stop Trafficking! highlights the vulnerability of children especially in the travel and tourism industries. Articles include Travel & Tourism…& Trafficking, Exploitation of Children by Tourists, Efforts to Prevent Human Trafficking in the Tourism Industry and Leaders Unite to Stop Global Sexual Exploitation of Children…
Read MoreThe Problem with Chocolate
Sr Sarah Puls speaks about Slavery in the Cocoa Industry In a recent interview aired on ABC Radio National ACRATH member, Sr Sarah Puls sgs, spoke on the link between chocolate and child slavery. Sarah explained that most of the chocolate we eat in Australia comes from West Africa. People in this area are at risk of exploitation…
Read MoreThey are just Children! NOT SLAVES
As we celebrate the World Day of Prayer Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking let us remember the children of our world who are trafficked into child slavery. We pray they will be released from the bonds of slavery and that their right to love, protection and education will be respected.
Read MoreDoes Your Car Have Glittery Mica Paint
Perhaps the Mica was Mined by Children The Guardian has recently brought to light the fact that children in India are working in situations of child labour and debt bondage to mine the mica. The mica is being used in paint for automobiles. Child rights campaigners estimate that up to 20,000 children work in hundreds of…
Read MorePope Francis: The Joy of Love
References to Human Trafficking in Apostolic Exhortation In his latest Apostolic Exhortaion, The Joy of Love (Amoris Laetitia), Pope Francis made a number of references to human trafficking: “Migration is particularly dramatic and devastating to families and individuals when it takes place illegally and is supported by international networks of human trafficking. This is equally true…
Read MoreSuccessful ACRATH Concert in WA
Audience Well Entertained A fundraising concert organised by Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) in WA recently raised more than $4000. The concert was held at the Loreto Nedlands Performing Arts Centre on Sunday, 30 August, and was attended by more than 200 people. The funds raised will go towards supporting victims of trafficking, raising…
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