Posts Tagged ‘cocoa’
Looking for Slavery-Free Easter Eggs?
Help Spread the Word If you know where you can buy Easter Eggs certified free from child slavery tell your family and friends. Consumer demand can make a big impact on both the producer and the retailer of a product. In past years some people have found it difficult to find Slavery-free Easter Eggs so…
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Will Your Easter Eggs Be Slavery-free? In 2015, Pope Francis said that “every person ought to have the awareness that purchasing is always a moral – and not simply an economic – act.” Cocoa is a key ingredient of chocolate. Much of the chocolate sold in Australia is made using cocoa beans picked by children, many…
Read MoreStriving for a Child Labour Free World
One Organisation’s Efforts to End Child Labour It is a sad but true fact that child labour still happens in our world today. Child labour occurs in many industries but especially the cocoa industry. One organisation trying to journey the road to a child labour free world is UTZ. Siriki Diakité, UTZ Regional Representative for West…
Read MoreACRATH Campaigning in Adelaide
Young People Visiting Supermarkets and Dessert Bars Young ACRATH member, Francesca, tells of young people in Adelaide raising awareness about child slavery in the cocoa industry. They have been encouraging supermarkets and dessert bars to sell chocolate produced with Fairtrade cocoa.
Read MoreBackwards NOT Forwards
Modelez Reduction in Certified Cocoa Products Thousands of boys as young as 10 yrs old, from the Cote D’Ivoire and neighbouring countries, are trafficked to pick and harvest Cocoa beans? We believe chocolate companies have a responsibility to seriously address the key issues that contribute to children being trafficked to work on cocoa farms and prevent…
Read MoreWill Your Easter be #traffikfree
The Good Egg Guide In Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa, children are still trafficked and forced to harvest cocoa in order to supply our loved Easter eggs. Look for Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ labeled products. The label tells us steps have been taken to prevent and disrupt this abuse. Want to know which eggs are #traffikfree…
Read MoreStill Looking for #Traffikfree Easter Eggs?
Make Sure Your Easter Egg is Not Made with Traffiked Labour Perhaps you are finding it difficult to find #Traffikfree Easter Eggs. Tell your local supermarket that you want more #Traffikfree products next year before the 2016 orders are placed. Why buy #Traffikfree products? Children who have never tasted chocolate are enslaved on cocoa farms…
Read MoreAdvocating for Certified Easter Eggs
ACRATH and STOP THE TRAFFIK Collaborate for #Traffikfree Easter Over recent weeks many ACRATH members have been distributing postcards to Coles and Woolworths asking for them to increase their supply of certified Easter Eggs in 2016. We invite you to take the same message to the supermarkets. Your efforts could help to bring about an…
Read MoreIs your Easter Egg TraffikFree
Help Eliminate Child Slavery in the Cocoa Industry Easter is a time of year when a huge amount of chocolate is sold and eaten all around the world. The shocking truth is that children as young as 10 are trafficked and exploited to create chocolate. This year join us as we campaign for #TRAFFIKFREE chocolate.…
Read MoreDo You Know Where Your Cocoa Comes From?
What Will You Do About It? Did you know that a child may have been trafficked to create your favourite chocolate bar. STOP THE TRAFFIK activists are campaigning to see an end to trafficking in the chocolate industry. For more information on how you can make a difference visit the ACRATH Campaigns page and the STOP…
Read MoreTraffik Free Chocolate
Mondeléz Campaign Over a third of the cocoa that makes the world’s chocolate comes from the Ivory Coast, Africa. It’s highly likely that the beans that make your favourite chocolate bar come from here. Cocoa harvesting is backbreaking and hazardous work. The shocking reality is that much of this work is done by children. Despite improvements…
Read MoreAsk Mondeléz International to Commit to Traffik Free Chocolate
This Problem is Urgent Human trafficking and exploitation remain bitter hidden ingredients in the chocolate that we eat. Thousands of boys as young as 10 yrs old, from the Cote D’Ivoire and neighbouring countries, continue to be trafficked to pick and harvest cocoa beans that are used to create our favourite chocolate treats. Their freedom…
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