Posts Tagged ‘Federal Parliament’
ACRATH Advocacy News
For two days in July a small but passionate group took ACRATH’s concerns to Federal Parliament. The latest ACRATH Newsletter outlines these concerns. Outcomes of the visit and reflections of some members of the advocacy team are also recorded in the newsletter. Download a copy of the newsletter here.
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2016 Visit to Federal Parliament The latest issue of ACRATH News provides a report on ACRATH’s recent visit to Federal Parliament. Over a four day period ACRATH met with 51 Members of Parliament, including 4 meetings with Ministers and Ministerial advisors. The MPs were from the Government, the Opposition and the Crossbench; they were from both the House…
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Speaking on Behalf of People Who Have Been Trafficked During the week beginning Monday 12th September, twelve members of ACRATH met with members of Federal Parliament to advocate on behalf of those who have been trafficked into Australia. ACRATH asked for measures to be put in place to protect the human rights of overseas workers brought to…
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Forced Marriage and Forced Labour Issues Beginning on Monday 7th September ten ACRATH members will begin their annual week of advocacy in Federal Parliament. During their time in Canberra ACRATH members will engage with Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, Ministerial advisors, Departmental staff and Embassy staff. ACRATH will acknowledge the work of the Australian Government in reviewing…
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