Posts Tagged ‘supply chain’
10th Ethical Fashion Guide
Millions of workers in the global fashion industry face injustice, abuse, low wages, and modern slavery. Learn about the hidden truths behind the supply chains of the biggest fashion brands, to create momentum for real progress. Research your favourite brands in the 10th edition of the Baptist World Aid Ethical Fashion Report and Guide. See…
Read MoreBuy Better Chocolate
A better chocolate is better for people and the planet! It’s free of child labor, provides a living income for cocoa farmers, empowers women, and cares for the environment. Be Slavery Free has surveyed the world’s chocolate companies to find out what’s really going into the chocolate you buy. The 5th edition of the Chocolate Scorecard is…
Read MoreEthical Consumer Guide
The Australian Ethical Consumer Report is out now. Be Slavery Free, Baptist World Aid and McCrindle Research partnered to produce this report that shares insights into what everyday Aussies know about ethical fashion and modern slavery. It uncovers what motivates Australians when making purchasing decisions, and measures their position on the journey towards becoming an…
Read MoreACRATH’s Dogged Advocacy Pays Off
Many years ago ACRATH, alongside other NGOs, began advocating for a Modern Slavery Act in Australia and an independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner to oversee that Act. The Act was passed in 2018 and the appointment of a Commissioner is now a step closer. ACRATH’s dogged advocacy is paying off. On Budget night in October ACRATH was…
Read MoreFairtrade Sports Balls
The September page of the 2022 ACRATH Calendar encourages the purchase of Fairtrade sports balls to reduce the rsik of slavery. Did you know that the leading producer of sports balls in the world is Pakistan, which produces approximately 70% of the world’s sports balls? Other Asian countries are also major producers? Pakistan produces 40…
Read MoreJohn Follows Sisters’ Lead
John Willis says it was a ‘no brainer’ when asked why he donates to ACRATH as part of Give4Good (G4G), St Vincent’s Health Australia’s workplace giving program. John, who runs SVHA’s Inclusion Health Program, first heard about human trafficking many years ago. “I really became immersed in the topic when I was asked to take the…
Read MoreBuying Ethically for Mum
Join ACRATH and stand with the women (and mothers) who make our clothes and pick a lot of the produce used in our food and drink. ACRATH has three gift suggestions for your mother this Mother’s Day that treat all mothers with love. Take your mother out for a Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance coffee. If…
Read MoreTake Action in 2022
Pray, Reflect and Act is the theme of the ACRATH Takes Action! film clip launch on 8 February 2022. The online launch, to be held on the feast day of *St Josephine Bakhita, will urge people to commit to an action to combat modern day slavery ?and human trafficking. The 11-minute ACRATH Takes Action! film…
Read MoreActivism in Parishes
PATH members in the spirit of St Joseph have been inspired by the assurance of Jesus that “I have come that you may have life and have it to the fullest” John 10:10 ~ Path vision statement Josephite Sister Margaret Ng never misses a chance to talk to people about human trafficking. She knows only too…
Read MoreActivism in Health
St Vincent’s Health Australia (SVHA) and ACRATH have worked together for several years to ensure human trafficking and modern day slavery can be identified and addressed within the health organisation’s 32 sites. This work began long before the Modern Slavery Act was passed in 2018. “The work we do to combat human trafficking is about…
Read MoreAdvocacy in December
Make this a slavery free Christmas! Shop ethically when purchasing Christmas gifts such as chocolates, sporting goods, clothing or other cotton products for family members and friends. For ideas check out Tell five other people why you are making choices such as these. Products we purchase could be tainted by slave labour. ACRATH advocates…
Read MoreChristmas shopping
Human Trafficking: Placing the Person at the Centre of our Christmas Shopping The final session of ACRATH Conversations for 2021 helps us put people at the centre of our consumer practices, very important in the lead up to Christmas when Australians are expected to spend more than $18 billion on Christmas shopping. Bonnie Graham, Ethical…
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