Posts Tagged ‘Sustainable Development Goals’
Help for Shopping Ethically
Did you know that the clothes you are wearing could be tainted by slavery? Our consumer choices can increase the demand for slavery or by making ethical choices we can help eliminate slavery. Wanting to make ethical choices when you shop but not sure how to go about it? There is help. Good on You…
Read MoreMy Voice, Our Equal Future
International Day of the Girl Child is observed each year on 11th October. The theme for 2020 is My voice, our equal future. This day provides an opportunity for us to imagine, and work towards, a world where the human rights and gifts of all girls are respected and promoted. Every girl has the right…
Read MoreSDGs and Child Marriage
Child Marriage is a global problem with 21% of young women being married before they are 18 years old (UNICEF). Unless this practice is ended 8 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will not be realised. Child marriage is a human rights issue. Young girls have a right to education, to safety, to living…
Read MoreACRATH Advocating in Federal Parliament
ACRATH members will once again be walking the halls of our Federal Parliament on 29th & 30th July. During this visit ACRATH will be congratulating the Parliament for passing the Modern Slavery Act 2018. While The Modern Slavery Act is an achievement in the fight against human trafficking and slavery there is still more work…
Read MoreACRATH Advocating in Federal Parliament
An ACRATH team of fourteen will be walking the halls of Federal Parliament 13-16th August. In their meetings with members of Parliament they will be advocating around three issues: support for the passage of the Modern Slavery Bill through Parliament while at the same time recommending inclusions, in particular the appointment of an independent anti-slavery…
Read MoreWomen Thrive SDG5 Toolbox
Achieve Gender Equality and Empower Women and Girls The 17 Sustainable Development Goals includes one goal on gender equality. Goal 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls – has nine targets, one of which aims to “eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and…
Read MoreEconomic Impacts of Child Marriage
Negative Impacts on Girls, their Children, Families, Communities and Nations Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals has as one of its targets to “eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation.” A recent study suggests that many countries have begun to adopt strategies to end the practice and investments…
Read MoreBusiness Engagement at the United Nations
High-Level Political Forum on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Held at the United Nations in July 2015, the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) serves as a platform to review country, major groups and other stakeholders’ progress on attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). During this Forum there was a High-Level Side-Event on Partnerships to End Forced Labour…
Read MorePlanet 50-50 by 2030: Step it Up for Gender Equality
International Women’s Day 2016 The 2016 theme for International Women’s Day is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality”. The United Nations observance on 8 March will reflect on how to accelerate the 2030 Agenda, building momentum for the effective implementation of the new Sustainable Development Goals. It will equally focus on…
Read MoreSustainable Development Goals
Post Millennium Development Goals At a United Nations summit in September 2015 the post-2015 development agenda know as the Sustainable Development Goals were adopted. These goals build on the work accomplished through the Millennium Development Goals and take this action further. The 17 Goals and 169 targets will stimulate action over the next fifteen years in…
Read MoreInternational Day of the Girl Child
The Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision for 2030 On December 19, 2011, United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child, to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. This year’s theme for this day focuses on adolescent girls and…
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