Stand with Victim/Survivors

Will you stand with us and the victim/survivors of human trafficking who need our help? Donate today ACRATH is working tirelessly to bring an end to modern slavery and there has never been a more important time to double our efforts. With your support so much has been achieved and these gains, after years of…

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Anti-Slavery Commissioner a Reality

The Federal Government has established Australia’s first federal Anti-Slavery Commissioner after the Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023 was passed on May 28 2024.  The Commissioner’s role will include engaging with and supporting victims and survivors of modern slavery and supporting businesses to address risks of modern slavery practices in their operations and supply…

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High Tea Supports Victim/Survivors

Members of ACRATH Victoria held a stunning High Tea recently to raise funds forvictim/survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery. A big thank you to all members who organised, promoted and contributed goods for theevent and those who brought family members and friends. This was a shining example of how well members collaborate to host…

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Showing Mercy

ACRATH Companions can now respond more effectively to the needs of victim/survivors of human trafficking because of a $20,000 grant from the Mercy Foundation. The $20,000 Mercy Practical Assistance Program will provide victim/survivors of human trafficking with money to help them in their recovery, to combat poverty and address disadvantage. The Mercy Practical Assistance Program…

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Another Way of Giving

The Toorak Op Shop, in one of Melbourne’s richest suburbs, is known for its great quality clothes and famous high-end brands at bargain prices. For ACRATH, the shop is known for its extraordinary generosity. For several years the Toorak Op Shop has made an annual donation to ACRATH. In the past four years alone the…

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National Compensation Scheme

ACRATH’s June conversation looked at the need for a National Compensation Scheme for Victim/Survivors of Modern Slavery with Professor Jennifer Burn, director of Anti-Slavery Australia. Modern slavery is a violation of human rights. In Australia it is a federal crime. During the conversation Jennifer commented that Australia needs a National Compensation Scheme “that is uniform,…

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