Join ACRATH in raising awareness and fostering action against Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.
Each day offers a new opportunity to learn, engage, and take action.
The 16 days of activism campaign begins on 25th November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the anniversary of the brutal assassination of activists Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa Mirabel, in the Dominican Republic in 1960 and ends on 10th December - Human Rights Day!
ACRATH has consistently used this campaign to raise awareness of and encourage involvement in our work. We create a 16-day calendar each year which highlights ACRATH’s work against modern slavery. The calendar serves as a tool to share knowledge and resources.
Follow our daily socials for a reflection linking to a call to action and resources you can learn from each day.
Join this global network to end violence against women and girls.
Download our 16 day calendar here:
Encourage promotion in your community, office, or staff room, similar to what the ACRATH National office staff and Victorian members did last week, as shown in the picture.
Pope Francis reminds us:
“It is not possible to remain indifferent
before the knowledge that human beings
are bought and sold like goods!”
Join the ACRATH Campaign
Read and Share Stories
The November 2024 issue of the ACRATH Newsletter shines a light on the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign asking people across the globe to focus on the plight of women migrating across the world for work.
Pray and Reflect
Holding the Light - 28th NOVEMBER 2024
An Ecumenical Service Remembering Victims and Survivors of Family Domestic Violence.
Now in its ninth year, the service is invitational and held in a spirit of welcome. While it is held within the Christian tradition, it is open to anyone who might wish to join together and take part in a ritual and is a time for anyone to engage in a period of quiet, lament, and prayer/reflection on the tragic results of violence and in hope for a better future for our communities.
We remember:
- Those killed as a result of domestic violence by naming those who are victims in the service, and by tolling a bell
- We stand in solidarity with victim survivors by recognising their pain, and listening to their voices
- We take time to reflect and commit ourselves to addressing the drivers of violence in our own attitudes, communities and contexts
- We take hope in the Christian message that all may be healed and redeemed, while acknowledging the ongoing trauma, suffering and danger experienced by so many in our communities due to the ongoing use of violence and abuse.
Where: Wesley Uniting Church, 130 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Date: Thursday 28th November 2024
Time: 5 pm
The livestream can be viewed from 5 pm on November 28 by clicking the button below.
Prayers of Intercession
Leader: Let us pray together that God’s justice and right will break forth in our time.
We pray for the Christian Communities around the world, for the strength, fortitude and vision of all their leaders and members in addressing the issues of human trafficking. Response: God of compassion, let justice and right break forth.
We pray for world leaders that they will confront human trafficking in all its forms, by dedicating their time, energy and resources to eradicating it. Response: God of compassion, let justice and right break forth.
We pray for those in bonded labour, in agricultural fields, mines and factories who have been reduced to tools for production and commodities rather than human beings. Response: God of compassion, let justice and right break forth.
We pray for women who are estimated to make up 80% of human trafficking victims and for changes in societal attitudes that deny the equality and dignity of women. Response: God of compassion, let justice and right break forth.
We pray for the development of impoverished nations so that their peoples may know a decent standard of living, have meaningful opportunities for education and employment and thus escape the desperate circumstances that make people vulnerable to human trafficking. Response: God of compassion, let justice and right break forth.
We pray that the demand for trafficked people will reduce. May men and women grow in appreciation of the dignity of every human person so that we can live in a world where no-one is enslaved. Response: Good of compassion, let justice and right break forth.
We pray for all who have died as a result of their exploitation and slavery. Response: God of compassion, let justice and right break forth.
Leader: Awaken our hearts and deepen our commitment to work for a world where all people are free and able to live with dignity and freedom. We ask for conversion of heart for traffickers and for strong laws to protect victims. Give us wisdom and courage so that together we will find ways to ensure Your freedom is the gift for all people. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Source: ACRATH (Prayers written by Claire Griffin csb based on US sisters’ reflection)
Anti-trafficking Reflection Service
This two-page anti-trafficking reflection services was prepared by Anne McPhee ibvm, based on a reflection by the late Carol Hogan sss. Please feel free to use all, or part of this reflection during the 16 Days campaign. Click here.
Consider a Donation to ACRATH
ACRATH needs funds to continue our work in advocating, educating and supporting the victims and survivors of human trafficking now and into the future to sustain our many programs.
Please consider a donation to help us continue our valuable wok into the future. We depend on you to help us i this work against human trafficking and slavery.
Click here to find out how you can contribute to this vital work.
We hope you can take the time to reflect, share and join our campaign to empower you to stand against gender-based violence.
If you would like more information on how you can help, become a member, sign up for our newsletter or donate to ACRATH please contact Ange: networks@acrath.org.au