Temporary Migrants During Covid-19

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic ACRATH has been concerned for migrant workers and international students and their vulnerability to exploitation. UTS Law’s A/Prof Laurie Berg and UNSW’s A/Prof Bassina Farbenblum co-directs of the Migrant Worker Justice Initiative have recently undertaken research on the experiences of international students and visa holders during Covid-19. Their finding from a July 2020 online survey of 6,105 international students and visa holders are documented in As If We Weren’t Humans: The Abandonment of Temporary Migrants in Australia During COVID-19.
Close to three quarters of survey respondents lost all or most of their work during the pandemic. Thousands were left unable to pay for food and rent, having been categorically excluded from government wage subsidy schemes. More than half (57%) believe their financial stress will deepen by year’s end, with one in three international students forecasting their funds will run out by October. Read more…