Thank You Nestlé

Thanks Nestle

All Products To Be UTZ Certified By End Of 2012

Nestlé announced in a letter to STOP THE TRAFFIK Australia that they will UTZ certify all their cocoa by the end of 2012. A number of international commentators have suggested that Nestlé’s decision to certify their Australian line first is a result of the intense lobbying pressure they received in Australia, greater than anywhere else in the world.

Nestlé is the world’s largest food manufacturer, and their decision to certify all their Australian cocoa will likely transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of farmers while simultaneously liberating thousands of children from the worst forms of child labour.

Join ACRATH and other members  of the Stop the Traffik coalition by Tweet, Facebook or by sending a letter to Nestlé  to thank them for responding to our call to action, but also take this opportunity to ask them to make a timetabled commitment to certify their global cocoa supply and address child labour issues which remains in their supply chain.

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