Traffik Free Chocolate

Mondeléz Campaign
Over a third of the cocoa that makes the world’s chocolate comes from the Ivory Coast, Africa. It’s highly likely that the beans that make your favourite chocolate bar come from here. Cocoa harvesting is backbreaking and hazardous work. The shocking reality is that much of this work is done by children. Despite improvements in the chocolate industry, human trafficking remains an ongoing and deep seated problem. Due to the hidden and illegal nature of human trafficking, gathering statistics on the scale of the problem is difficult. Estimates of child labour on cocoa farms in the Cote D’Ivoire and Ghana from organisation such as the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI), UNICEF and Tulan University vary from 300,000 to 1 million from 2007-2013. We know that a portion of these children have been trafficked.
Despite grand announcements about investment of funds and numerous high level conversations with management and promises being made, Mondelez is yet to deliver. Join the campaign to ask Mondeléz for traffic-free chocolate. Order postcards from Stop the Traffik – – sign them and post them back to Stop the Traffik. Postcards will be delivered to Ms Irene Rosenfeld the Mondeléz Global CEO in Chicago in early December.