Treatment of Young Women Inhumane
Saddened and Angered Concurrently
As part of her theological studies Jane Branigan wrote a paper on human trafficking. She explains here how she came to do this:
“I am married to Vincent Branigan, mother of Seamus (27) and Bridget (25). I receive love, joy and a sense of purpose from my family. Vince and I live in Benalla, and work at FCJ College. Youth Ministry and Religious Education are two of my passions. My Christian faith is the pivotal focus of my life.
I became aware of Trafficking in Humans through viewing the film “The Jammed.” Released in 2007, inspired by court transcripts and true events, the film tells the story of a Chinese mother arriving in Melbourne to search for her missing daughter. The daughter and two other girls had been trafficked into illegal prostitution in Melbourne, Victoria Australia.
I was saddened and angered concurrently. This treatment of young women in was inhumane and very wrong.
In 2012 I took five months long service leave from teaching to further my studies in Theology at Catholic Theological College, Melbourne. For the Pastoral Care unit I chose to research and write this paper about the trafficking of young women for the purposes of sexual exploitation. I hope that you are also enraged when people are treated as commodities rather than dignified people made in the image and likeness of God. ”
Download Jane’s paper here.