Twenty Years of Palermo

November 15, 2020 marks twenty years since the Palermo Protocol – Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children was adopted by a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly. This protocol is the first global legally binding instrument with an agreed definition on trafficking in persons. In addition the protocol aimed at protecting and assisting victims of human trafficking. The protocol entered into force in 2003. Australia is a signatory to this protocol.
To mark the twentieth anniversary of the UN resolution The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime has released a publication – The Promise of Palermo: A Political History of the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. The document notes that since the signing of the Protocol transnational organized crime has continued to adapt and evolve. There has been progress with the development of legislative tools and international cooperation in the fight against this form of crime. Ian Tennant, author of the publications says “The creativity, determination and resolve of those who helped create the Convention
needs to be rediscovered. It is time to go beyond Palermo.”
Download a copy of the publication here.