UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Bring Hope to Those Affected by this Horrendous Criminal Activity
Human Trafficking is an issue that affects every country. Did you know the good you purchase, the clothes you wear and the food you eat may have been produced using the forced labour of people who have been trafficked and exploited? We all have a responsibility to alert ourselves and those around us about this criminal activity. We can then use our consumer demand to send a message that human trafficking and modern day slavery is not acceptable. You can make a difference by taking part in campaigns that call for an end to forced labour and human trafficking.
In his message for the 2015 United Nations Day Against Trafficking in Person UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon said, “Around the world, criminals are selling people for profit. Vulnerable women and girls form the majority of human trafficking victims, including those driven into degrading sexual exploitation. Trafficked persons are often tricked into servitude with the false promise of a well-paid job. Migrants crossing deadly seas and burning deserts to escape conflict, poverty and persecution are also at risk of being trafficked. Individuals can find themselves alone in a foreign land where they have been stripped of their passports, forced into debt and exploited for labour. Children and young people can find their lives stolen, their education blocked and their dreams dashed. It is an assault on their most basic human rights and fundamental freedoms…..Every country must join together to overcome this transnational threat by supporting and protecting victims while pursuing and prosecuting the criminals. On the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, let us resolve to act as one in the name of justice and dignity for all.”
To mark the 2015 UN Day Against Trafficking in Person, Minster for Justice, Hon Michael Keenan MP, and the Minster Assisting the Prime Minister for Women, Hon Michaelia Cash, have released a statement on behalf of the Australian Government.
To mark this day you are invited to use a prayer resource developed by the SNJM Anti Trafficking Committee.