Uzbekistan Cotton Success


ACRATH members and supporters would know that ACRATH has been involved in the campaign to raise awareness about the issue of forced and child labour in the Uzbekistan cotton industry. For years, the government of Uzbekistan forcibly mobilised almost two million citizens (including children, young people, students, teachers, doctors, nurses, and employees of government agencies and private businesses) to the cotton fields to grow cotton and deliver production quotas under threats of penalty.

Along with other agencies, ACRATH has raised awareness about this issue and encouraged businesses in the garment industry not to use cotton exported by Uzbekistan.

The International Labour Organization has reported that Uzbekistan was free from forced and child labour in its 2021 cotton production cycle. We celebrate this news. While it means a success for the many organisations that have campaigned on this issue more importantly it means Uzbek citizens are not subjected to the harsh conditions of forced labour.

ACRATH wishes to thank all members and supporters for their participation in this campaign.

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