ACRATH Takes Action

ACRATH TAKES ACTION is a 12 minute film clip celebrating the work being done by Team ACRATH during the pandemic.
The clip speaks of the challenges to victim/survivors of human trafficking who were in Australia but not covered by the Australian government safety nets. ACRATH staff and some of our mighty volunteer force describe aspects of work like building awareness of slavery-free goods in our everyday lives, and of our support for seasonal workers, especially those from Timor Leste and the Pacific. We explain some of the work in education and advocacy that we undertake to stop forced marriage in Australia. We outline the challenges and joys of our Companionship program, ‘a sacred relationship of the heart’. We outline our work to name exploitation and work with others to bring about systemic change.
ACRATH President Louise Cleary csb ends the clip by inviting viewers to join us to stop human trafficking.


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