We Can Make a Difference

Archbishop Denis Hart Makes Declaration Against Modern Slavery
On December 2, Archbishop Denis Hart, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, joined with other faith leaders of Australia to make a declaration against modern slavery. This event launched the Australian Freedom Network.
“In the words of Pope Francis,
today slavery is rooted in the notion of the human being treated as an object.
When we no longer regard our neighbours as being of equal dignity,
sharing a common humanity with out brothers and sisters,
but rather as objects, slavery can often take root in our society.
It is a tragedy that in our world today, human beings created in the image and likeness of God,
are deprived of their freedom, sold and reduced to being the property of others.
Many are treated as a means to an end.
With education, respect and dignity for every human person, we can make a difference.
Together, let us commit to eradicate this affront to our humanity.”
Also present at this event were representatives from Catholic Religious Australia and ACRATH.
You too are invited to make a declaration to #endslavery. Read more…