World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
“On this World Day against Trafficking in Persons,
let us reaffirm our commitment to stop criminals
from ruthlessly exploiting people for profit and
to help victims rebuild their lives.”
UN Secretary-General António Guterres
The World Day Against Trafficking in Person is held each year on 30th July. Every country in the world is affect by the crime of human trafficking. Traffickers target the vulnerable promising them a better life elsewhere but instead they exploit them. Trafficking takes on may forms – forced labour, forced marriage, sexual exploitation, organ trafficking and child soldiers to name a few. The 2018 Trafficking in Persons Global Report. Many countries do have laws in place relating to human trafficking and modern day slavery but the number of convictions is still relatively low despite the International Labour Organisation claiming that traffickers earn $150 billion each year.
On the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons in 2019 the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is focusing on highlighting the importance of Government action in the interest of victims of trafficking. But the call to action is not only to Governments, we encourage everyone to take action to prevent this heinous crime.
Your action in 2019 could be making a donation to ACRATH. Your donation would enable ACRATH to continue working to eliminate human trafficking and providing valuable support survivors of this heinous crime. For information on how to donate click here. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.